Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"I went into the forest and I found you"

        We often find the most unusual things in the most unusual places. One of my favorite things about street art is how it can be found in the most unexpected places and have the power to change the rest of your day and even your life. For my piece, I wanted to make something that would make people think. "Where is the forest?" "Who did you find?" ect. I want people to relate to what I say and I want my work to be open ended. I also think that when you incorporate words and visual art together, the two medium work with each other to create a new message. The "forest" is in the brightly colored arrows. If my piece was just of the trees, or just of the words, I don't think it would have been the same. I hope that people see my art and are prompted to think about what I was trying to say. The fact that the message is public makes it universal which I think is very powerful and freeing. In the end, I want to see my public work as another extension of what I put into the world.

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