Monday, May 7, 2012

Public Art: Yin Yang Heart and Sunshine Heart

My first block print was a heart that was half white on black and half black on white (yin yang). I chose to create this because I was experimenting with different heart designs and I thought it looked cool. The project was supposed to be an icon project, so I decided later the message could be "love is a balance." I put my prints up around school, Encinitas, and downtown San Diego. I thought it was successful because I had a lot of fun hanging up the prints and I thought they looked cool. I felt excited when putting up the prints, mainly because we probably weren't supposed to be. The public's reaction was probably confused because they did not understand why we were hanging up all these block prints everywhere. The prints were even taken down a few days, and even a few hours after.

My second block print was a heart with sunshine rays coming off of it. It was gradient pink to orange, printed on yellow paper. I also chose to create this print because it looked cool. I also decided afterward that the message could be "love shines bright" or something 'inspirational' like that. Honestly, though, I just made this print because it looks cool, and I like art when it is pretty too look out.

~Julia :D

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