Thursday, May 31, 2012

Aubree Ochoa's Final Project and Grade Defense- Rose Photoshop

           My inspiration for this project was how mysterious, yet beautiful nature is. I decided to use this image because it was close up, which would show a lot of detail. Originally, this rose was was a very light pristine pink. I decided to use background simplified to mainly focus on the flower. Originally, I wanted the flower to be a dark red, but then decided to use a sunset orange to create a warm color scheme. Since the pink flower had a couple dark brown blemishes,  I decided edit these out. This was challenge though, because I had to find the perfect shade of pink to perfect the rose. When I was done with that and changed the coloring, I wanted the flower to have a glowing effect to symbolize the magic in nature. I decided to use this photo as my Final Project because I felt that this piece showed how much time and effort and I put into making it.

The Original Photo I Took

               I feel that I was resourceful when I used the Photoshop stamp tool to hide the dark brown blemishes instead of using the air brush tool. I felt that this would be the most effective because it would reflect a real flowers looks. I feel that I was Intellectually Curious during this project because I had been very excited to start photo editing, which helped me put more effort into my project. This piece represents the quality of my work this year because I am always excited to create art, which helps me to put a lot of effort into all of my pieces.

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