Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marissa's Stained Glass Flowers

My inspiration for this project was how we mix technology with nature. I used photoshop to create a stained glass effect in the background. At first, I had a bit of trouble with photoshop but I got the hang of it and created this. I really like it and I think it represents the mix of technology and nature well. I added the stained glass because it really made the flowers pop.

I was resourceful in many ways. For one, I had to look really hard for something to photograph. I got down very low (laying down, actually) to take this picture. I really like taking pictures of things people tend not to notice. Then, once I took the picture, I edited it. At first, I didn't know what I was going to do. Would I make it black and white? Would I add more flowers? It pondered me for quite some time. After a lot of experimenting, I got the stained glass effect. This represents my quality of work because I do a lot of experimenting before I end up with my final, original, product. I have never seen a picture like it and I love it.

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