Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My piece titled "Blanket of Kali" is a mixture of collage and painting. The inspiration was a mixture of a few of my cats (Kali and Ariel) and Pop Art done by Andy Warhol. Before drawing out the cat on the canvas, and especially before sketching the eyes, I searched for the perfect examples and used them to create my shapes. I used depth by using thicker, brighter colors for the cat to make her easier to see. You can tell that the cat is the focus of the piece and that she’s lying in such a way as to create a darker shadow in front of her. There was no unused space, everything down to the eyes was either painted or collaged. My colors are contrasting to make your eyes catch on the cat and her eyes. The background is a darker purple and pink, like the blanket on my mom’s bed at home. The cat has darker grey to match the darker background, but also includes a tan or orange-ish color. The strokes that show the individual pieces of fur on the cat are just slightly darker than the regular colors. Lastly, the eyes really pop out at you because they are white with hints of the purple that’s in the background. I believe I balanced my work by having the main focus be on the painted cat, but the details of the face and the background are collaged. The colors work well with each other and the space isn’t used awkwardly or off-center. The background blanket of my art is made with strips of textured wallpaper that I used a wash over to make them purple. The strips overlap in horizontal stripes, and the wavy streaks of confetti paper add to the design of the blanket. It was created to look like the one in my house, but it turned out with a different swirled feeling than the straight-striped original. I took as much time each class period as was necessary to complete my project perfectly, and I feel that my final product is a wonderful representation of my cat Kali sitting on a blanket on my mom’s bed. I tried my best to stay patient although I am impatient in nature. My original design changed several times; looking at my first idea you’d be shocked how far it has come. I’m proud of the collaged painting “Blanket of Kali”.

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