Wednesday, October 26, 2011

horse jumping

My painting collage project is titled “Jumping Horse”. It is based on me jumping my horse when I get more advanced. I created depth in my project by have a foreground, middle ground, and background by making the back grass darker then the grass in the front. I also put more collaged pieces in the front then I did in the back.  I used space well by filling in all of it and didn’t leave any of it blank. I created value, which made it look 3D by making the horse’s stomach round and the log different shades to give it shape. I used color by using different shades and not making it monotonous. I used different shades for the grass and accented the black and white spots with gray. I balanced my photo by scattering the collage and painting the grass to make them look even in the back ground. I used texture by painting the grass with little strokes to make it look like each real grass. This piece is my favorite horse painting I have ever done. My sketch was simple but it took me a long time since I was patient and careful. I am glad with the results.  

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