Monday, October 24, 2011

Lillie's "Tiger Stripes"

My collage piece is called “Tiger Stripes”. In this Painting/collage I made it dynamic by having different shades on parts like the noes. I used all my space by filling it with collage and paint. On this project I used different value by spending lots of time on mixing different colors of paint and finding different color to collage with so that I could find the right shade. For the balance of this piece I mostly used paint to get the correct color but for parts that were white and the eyes I collaged. To add texture I used white wallpaper to show the texture of the tigers fur. I also used a special brush to make a nice texture on the nose to also show the fur texture. I spent a lot of time on this project by first making sketches and played with different ways to paint. I also took along time to collage my tiger and paid close attention to detail. I put my best into this art and I am glad it turned out the way I expected. 

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