Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Hanging Beaver

    The title of my project is called “The Hanging Beaver.” My sculpture would be planted in the ground outside of The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center. My statement behind making this sculpture is to limit animal testing. This piece represents that statement because it shows a colossal beaver staring in a building window. When we do animal testing we are either hurting or killing animals. This represents that animals are strong creatures and will seek vengeance if harmed.  People would interact with it by first seeing it and probably laughing and then as they look at it really actually think about the artworks meaning. The real sculpture would be made out of mainly metal. The building would be made just like a regular building and look exactly like a regular building too. The beaver also would be made out of metal and look almost EXACTLY like a real beaver. There could also be added fake fur on the beaver to finish the effect

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