Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mikayla's Collage and Painting "Urban Nature"


                I think this collage and painting has good depth because I put shadows in the tree and in the city.  I love the color in this art piece because the ocean and leaves are really bright and fun.  I think that my painting is pretty balanced because there is the city, hedge, and leaves all the way across but the tree is good because it makes it less symmetrical and more natural looking.  I believe that I did a good job finding the right texture for the tree and leaves.  I like how the main part of the tree was made out of cut up pictures of pebbles.  I think the pebble-like texture gives it those little lines that trees have in the wood.  I really took my time collaging, painting and picking out the right textures and colors that I wanted to cut out from the magazines.  I think my hard work paid off and I am really proud of my artwork.  
-Mikayla Stuart

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