Saturday, June 2, 2012

Woman Of Power "Rhythm of the Flowers"

My artist of inspiration for this project was Elizabeth St. Hillarie.  Her art form is collaging.   Her work inspires me, because I like how she uses different types of materials to collage something together.  Her work represents the core value perseverance because it takes a long time to find pieces to use for collaging.  I used perseverance when working with the modge Podge because I don’t like modge podge, and modge podge doesn’t like me.  For my project I painted a gradation background that went from green to yellow.  Next I used collaged paper to create three flowers using asymmetrical symmetry.  For my color scheme I used warm colors.   To make the flowers I used a variety or patterned paper and other things such as sheet music, and dollies. I also used complementary colors when painting the sides by using purple to compliment yellow.   Finally I used repetition on the flowers to make multiple ones of them, but making each one slightly different. 

I was resourceful when creating this piece because I had to find different materials to use and figure out how to put a wash on waxy textured paper.  I used intellectual curiosity when making my flowers because was curious to see which way however the flower was made would look best.  My piece represents the quality of my work this year because I tried hard this year to make great work while still trying not to make too many errors.  When I did make an error, I tried to fix it as best as I could. 

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