Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ela's Portrait Drawing

       I chose to draw a portrait of Harry Potter, because I really love the books and movies. I created this picture using a realistic grid drawing system, and then making in to scale. This ensured that my piece would turn out balanced and symmetrical. I enjoyed making the outline of the face, as well as the eyes and glasses.  However, the hair and shading were a challenge. For the shading, it was difficult to use gradation. I decided to use different shades of pencils as my medium, because of the amount of detail in the eyes.

       I was resourceful in this piece by asking Christy and my classmates questions, and looking up different ways of shading online. I was intellectually curious, because I tried to figure out different ways to make my project look unique. This piece represents my work this year, because I put a lot of time and effort into all my projects.

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