Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mikayla's Still Life Drawing

       I was inspired to draw this still life artwork because I was interested in learning how to shade and shape pieces of fruit. I created this piece by drawing the basic shapes and then going back and adding lots of detail and value. I was very successful in the shading and my biggest challenge was probably the grapes going back and forth with the highlights and shadows. The medium that I used to complete this project was black chalk because it is very compatible to work with and it smudges easily.

       I was resourceful in completing this piece by looking up how to shade black and white so I could use highlights in my project. I used intellectual curiosity by asking Christy lots of questions and I took my time to make sure my fruit plate was balanced. This piece represents the the quality of work that I have completed this year because I have learned so much about symbolism and I have excelled and pushed myself to the best of my abilities in this class.

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