Friday, June 1, 2012

Pete Miller Perspective Art Project

                                                                         Desert Road

Pete Miller

I created a one point perspective art piece with the end of the road being the point.  I used depth by having a gas pump in the front and in the back I drew some hills.  I also have the edge of a building in the foreground and in the middle ground I have a building and some plants. The color themes I used were complementary and hot colors.  I had complementary colors in my art project in the plants the horizon and the road, the grass is green with red flowers, the horizon has the blue sky with hills that have a slight bit of orange, lastly the yellow stripe in the road has some purple in it.  

When I was creating this project I was resourceful by using colored pencils that I had at home to color my picture.  This piece represents my work this year because I did research on all of my projects including this one and I usually try to finish my projects on time as I also did with this one.

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