For Tuesday
Last week on May 29, 2012, I wrote a book called For Tuesday. I wrote the book because I wanted to know what it was like to be creating something all day for one day only about one day only. Often, I feel completely daunted and intimidated by art. I want so badly to make and draw things, but I am afraid that what I make will not be good enough. My book For Tuesday is direct a response to my artistic fears. The book is not written for anybody. The book is not written for my teachers or my friends or even my self to like or even see. My book For Tuesday is written for Tuesday. While drawing and writing the book, I found that I was not afraid if my drawings were bad or if they didn’t make sense. I just drew what I wanted and what I felt.
While making my book, I also realized that the act of recording my thoughts solidified my feelings more than normal. On a day when I am not writing everything down, I can feel confused and fragmented. But, one Tuesday, their was a strange clarity to my day. When I drew the picture of how I see stress, I felt stress. However, when I was able to sit down and draw a single cup sitting on a table, I immediately felt less stressed. I guess what I am trying to say is that by writing and drawing, I was able to gage how I felt. My emotions were tangible and because of that, I was able to think and function more intentionally. For example, there was a part of my day when I was sitting in the music room, and a couple of students were really getting me down. On a normal day, I would probably bi-pass my emotions and distract myself by playing on my computer or Iphone. But, instead I wrote down something like “I am going to be kind and patient and loving to others because I want them to do the same for me”.
This project of making my book really inspired me. I want to spend more time recording and journaling my Tuesdays because Tuesday really is the best day of the week. Tuesday is funny and smart and nice and cool. No wonder I wrote Tuesday a book, he/she deserved it!
A used a lot of crosshatching while making this book because I wanted it to be messy looking. I also chose to have a stylistic look. There is also some sweet symbolism in my book. I also use pattern, and repetition in the book. The outside of the book is textured and uses cool colors.