Friday, January 13, 2012

Ariana Stevens' Public Art piece 'Keep Your Individuality'

This piece is actually on a big piece of card board and the background was done with chalk. The boy himself was done in colored pencil and marker, and I made his skin and hair lighter than his clothing because the message is we're using clothing and fake personalities to cover our original personalities up, and I think we should change that.

Ariana Stevens' Typography project 'Clock of Time'

For this project I literally just found a bunch of cool quotes and turned them into pictures that interpreted the quotes. I did have a lot of fun though!

Allie's Beatles Inspired Pots

"I am the Walrus"

"Strawberry Fields Forever"

Wave a Mosaic by Holly Pettis

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tita's Free Project

Hidden (audrey's public art piece)

So... hi. This is my public art piece. It's about feeling awkward, wanting to hide under a box. I made three posters and taped them up on one of the trailers. :)

mckenna colachis's Public Art Peice

this is my public art peice that i put in the great hall. the picture that says "take what you need" at one point had strips saying family and friends etc. and people look what hey thought they "needed" more then people that say that they "NEED" things they really dont. i got this inspiration from hearing people say "i need a ipad" or "i need a horse" etc. so i wanted to make a statement asking yourself what do yoou really need in your life?..the rest are self explainatory like the bucket list and my what do you want to be projects where students wrote what they wanted to be and posted it to art peice. well kbye. oh yeah and im mckenna colachis.

Nino and Jonah's public art

Spongebob Public Art Piece

This is my public art piece in a corridor by a place on the school. It is just some Spongebob themed paper dressed around the ceiling, posts, and bamboo screen thing. Ok, the end.

Water Polo Mosaic By: Nolan Tifft Public Art